
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Daily Tune Up: Finish Line – Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush (1980)

BangShift Daily Tune Up: Finish Line – Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush (1980)

Man, you all have Johnny Hunkins of Popular Hot Rodding to thank for this one! I was hanging out with him at the Goodguys Nashville show one night and of course the topic came to music. Johnny is a super talented guitar player and recording artist and we started talking about great bands, cars, and the combo of both. He lead off talking about Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush, specifically his song Finish Line which is awaiting your listen below.

Marino could be the hardest core rock and roll car guy ever. The dude owned and drove a freaking Pro Stock car back in the early 1980s. In fact, the car in question was featured on the cover of their 1980 album What’s Next which is a lead image of this blog item (click on it to enlarge). According to Hunkins, Marino was once asked by a music journalist if he would try to stop his Hemi from falling off an engine stand if it meant risking his hands that were so amazingly talented on the guitar. His response was along the line of, “Yeah, I have done that twice.”

This is a drag racing song that rules. Marino’s great guitar work and lyrics written by a dude who clearly drag races and understands what it is like to be lined up in a thumping car on the starting line. This is one the best and most honest drag tunes ever and we wouldn’t have known about it without Hunkins bringing it up!


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1 thoughts on “BangShift Daily Tune Up: Finish Line – Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush (1980)

  1. Grippo

    I had always heard that the cover photo for this record was done at Ray Barton’s old shop in Canada. Not sure if it’s true, just what I had heard.

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