The photo above is when things were only sort of screwed up. Given the amount of damage we see each and every year at the Byron Power Wheelstand Championships you would think they were giving away $1 Million (said Juan Meeeeeeelion), because most of these guys are not afraid to tear up their junk for the fame of winning. And some of these guys have some serious skills. Others not so much. Some know how to get the car to stand straight up, that’s for sure, but how to keep it there without doing something stupid, not their strong suit. Oh well, it certainly makes it fun to watch. And speaking of fun to watch, watch this green Camaro get sideways on the John Force burnout and kiss the wall, then stand it up and crush the front suspension and hit the wall, then come back after “repairing” it and stand it up and crush the front suspension and almost hit the wall.
There is a theme here. Watch this!
Here is a view from the other side of the track. Awesome wheelie…
Camaro boy should be driving nothing more powerful than a big wheel.
What an idiot… and then he waves like he’s accomplished something other than wrecking what was a nice car.
I thought the Gremlin guy was in jail?
I was thinking the same thing
I’d hate to see just how he drives ONE of his John Deere’s.
mm.. I’m all for using your car for what ever floats your boat. But this is just moronic
So in the beginning of the video he wipes something of the paint like he cares. Then.proceeds to drive it like he does. So very confused.
Must be nice to have more money than brains.
I’ll bet his mother is proud of what she has worked so hard to produce….and then have to watch the fruit of her labor!
I love demo derbies. But for some reason it makes me sad to see that nice car destroyed like that. On the drag strip, most us try hard NOT to crash.