
the car junkie daily magazine.


Melted Car Gallery: A 1957 Chevy Wagon Cooked Well Done

Melted Car Gallery: A 1957 Chevy Wagon Cooked Well Done

After spending the weekend surrounded by kick ass race cars, hot rods, and muscle machines, it is only natural that we’d be giddy to check out a 1957 Chevy wagon that was half melted in a fire sitting on the side of the road. It was for sale and Chad started immediately proclaiming that the car was “mint”. It was then that we frisked him for booze. 

After coming up dry we took a further look at the car and shockingly we had to admit that Chad was not completely off his rocker. Yes, it was a burned up car, but it was complete, the tires held air, the radio hadn’t melted, nor had the rubber hoses under the hood, but the battery was a molten mess.

The car was obviously nice before the fire and despite the fact that we’d never call it “mint”, it would be an awesome deal to use for starting up a project.

As we gawked, a man came up and told us that the car was just sold and that if we were interested, we were too late. Apparently the guy didn’t notice our golf cart like rental, the fact that we were poking at the car and cracking jokes or maybe it was the cameras we had trained on it.

Either way, it made for an interesting detour after leaving the drag strip. The car was sold for $4300 according to some random guy who told us a person in Canada had purchased it.

Click here to see a gallery of photos featuring a melted 1957 Chevy wagon   


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