
the car junkie daily magazine.


Great Read: A Good Interview with Chip Foose

Great Read: A Good Interview with Chip Foose

Chip Foose is one of the most likable “big wheels” in the car hobby. He’s a legit car guy, can fit into any room of people, and of course manages to design and build some awesome cars through his company Foose Design. We’d say that for this generation, he’s the most significant hot-rod designer out there. While opinions vary on his style, his influence is undeniable.

The LA Times recently ran a piece on Foose as part of their “How I Made It” series which looks at successful people and how they have achieved their station in life. 

Foose’s story is known by many gearheads out there. He started working for his dad Sam, went to design school, worked for Boyd Coddington, and eventually started Foose Design, which has become a business that generates millions in revenue each year. This story does a neat job filling in the gaps of the his story with some neat personal info. Foose’s take on his split with Coddington is revealing.

Hit the link below to read this neat piece on Chip Foose!

Source — LaTimes.com — How I Made It: Chip Foose 

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