You remember Tax The Rich? The unknown drivers who treated the cars of the upper crust like a rented Chevrolet Impala…drifting them through the grass, fire burnouts, and a stunt involving a water skier and a Ferrari F50? Yeah…after that water-skiing incident, they pretty much fell off of the radar and haven’t been seen since. Except that we have a strong suspicion that the names and faces behind the one percent hoons have something to do with this particular video, which shows champion shooter Philip Thorrold doing what he does best: skeet shooting. Using exploding clays. Launched from an automated launcher, mounted in the hoodless “frunk” of a Porsche 911 Targa. Yeah, tell us again where Tax The Rich doesn’t have anything whatsoever to do with this video. We will wait…
Nice! I would have done it with my .410 though, LOL.