
the car junkie daily magazine.


Here’s The Magnificent Seven From The 2013 Houston Autorama – Did The Judges Pick The Right Cars and Trucks?

Here’s The Magnificent Seven From The 2013 Houston Autorama – Did The Judges Pick The Right Cars and Trucks?

(Photos by Charles Wickam) – The Millwinders Award is given out to the most outstanding vehicle that is being displayed at the show for the first time. Along with cool hardware, there’s a $5,000 cash prize for the winner. In order to make things interesting, judges pick a “Magnificent 7” that comprise the finalists for the cash and the trophy. Charles Wickam was at the show all weekend and managed to get photos of each Magnificent 7 entrant. The cool thing is that among the seven there’s a truck, a pro street car, an old school hot rod, some pro touring themed muscle and lots of beautiful paint and finishing touches. There are three first generation F-bodies, which we’re sure the Ford guys will love.

Scroll down to see the Magnificent 7 qualifiers for the 2013 Millwinders award at the Houston Autorama….go all the way to the bottom to see who won!

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Who Won? This handsome fellah, right here. The truck is owned by Buddy Schulz from Washington, TX. Congrats to buddy and the builders of this awesome machine!

houston autorama magnificent seven031

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7 thoughts on “Here’s The Magnificent Seven From The 2013 Houston Autorama – Did The Judges Pick The Right Cars and Trucks?

  1. Norse

    The tail light recess on the Camaro is interesting, but none of these really do anything for me.
    Seems like a rehash of all the current crop of “pro touring” cars.

    1. Gary Smrtic

      Kinda with you, 440 6Pac. Thing is, Mopar guys just don’t “show up” with this quality work very often. We’re competeing 20:1 against GM (I’ll be kind) stuff. Other than when Trepanier or Steve’s or Pure Vision or someone like that does a Mopar, most of what I see the rest of the Mopar field doing out there just plain doesn’t measure up. Like I said, there are a few exceptions, but damned few.

  2. Michael Craven

    Lovely vehicles by any standard. I know I’m swimming against the tide on this one, but still don’t get the humungous-rim-tiny-sidewall-tire look on cars. That said, I occasionally (but not always) like it on trucks (works on the winner here).

  3. To question, to answer with 2 questions

    That black ’57 was in the “Magnificent 7”?
    No offense.Not exactly groundbreaking,savvy?

  4. larry henderson

    enough Camaros & firebirds. They are a dime a dozen and yes I had one back in the day but I like to see something different or unusual for a change. Tri five chevy’s same thing. The 68 thru 70 chevy pickups are starting to follow the same trend. At least the 40 ford or maybe it is a 39 ford pick-up & the T- bird are somewhat different. The T-bird is a former Ridler winner and deservedly so.

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