
the car junkie daily magazine.


Engine Teardown: Watch As This Porsche 930 Turbo Flat-Six Gets Taken Down To The Bare Block!

Engine Teardown: Watch As This Porsche 930 Turbo Flat-Six Gets Taken Down To The Bare Block!

Spring is a little late to be tearing into a project engine, but better late than never. The sooner the engine is torn down, the sooner it can be built back up to be even better than it was before. The engine before you is the flat-six out of a Porsche 930…better known as the 1975-1989 Porsche 911 Turbo. This relatively sedate-looking flat-six is actually the reason why 930s have the reputation as a “widow maker”…combine the fun of a laggy turbo mill with the pendulum-like handling characteristics of a rear-engine, rear-drive sports car and you ended up with a legendary combination. This particular mill has had a long life and is slated for a full teardown and rebuild and the guys from Speed Academy are up to the task. From the fuel injector lines to the surprise guest in the video (RIP, Mr. Mouse), you’ll get to see everything as it comes off:

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