Boring people choose their cars by application. The buy the things that make the most “sense” for whatever they are trying to do. The reason that there are a kabillion Camrys in the world is not because of how awesome they are it is because so many people just want some quiet, unassuming means of conveyance to get to their job every day. Thankfully there are lots of people like us who are way more concerned with things that are vastly more important like style, power, and how the car makes us feel when we drive it. Count Brian Newman among us. Newman is a jass musician and he is also the leader of Lady Gaga’s band. We’re guessing that job pays well. Just a shot in the dark.
Anyway in this video we see Newman cruising the streets of Brooklyn in his classic Oldsmobile 98 and we dig it. He talks about the car like the work that has been done to warm up the 455 and why he likes it. We really like the addition he made to the roof with the lace panels that were added as a bit of a tribute to the west coast style cars that Newman really likes. We were impressed with his reasoning to add those panels on the roof. It shows that he’s got some real automotive chops and we dig that for sure.
It is funny to think about but there was a time when the streets of Brooklyn would be teaming with big barges like this one. Those days are long gone and when you see the video of the car driving with the host and Brian, you’ll notice how much larger the big green Olds is than everything else around it. Awesome.
Hell yeah the streets of all the boroughs were loaded with them right into the 90s. New cars have no beef,no style. Good for this guy !