I do searches on Craigslist for all kinds of cars and trucks. But often times I just put in a dollar value that is the max I want to look at. I started doing that because I had no money and couldn’t afford anything, but it quickly showed me just what you can get for very very little money. Case in point, the five cars I just found on Craigslist this morning. All would make great drag race cars, with a variety of engine combos, and some would be bolt in projects rather than some tube chassis thing. These are very buildable cars that should appeal to a lot of you. Check them out. On the list are a 1972 Ford Pinto, 1994 Chevrolet Camaro, 1974 Toyota Celica, 1966 Dodge D100 truck, and a 2003 Ford Mustang.
Check them out.
This 1972 Ford Pinto claims to come with a fresh 2.3, which is just begging for the Hubert turbo treatment. It looks to be a California desert car and is in REALLY clean shape according to the one picture. The other side could be caved in, we’ll give you that, but if we weren’t so broke from recent racing endeavors this little bastard would be following us home. Awesomeness. Call (760) 562-1075 for more information and to buy it.
Seller: 72 ford pinto project coupe with trunk has new 2.3l out of dmv system everything there.
This 1994 Camaro isn’t my favorite Camaro body style, but it is a 4th Gen F-body and they have a ton of aftermarket support. The truth is, if you got all your parts together ahead of time, you and a couple friends could put this car together in a few weekends. And race the snot out of it. Making one go quick enough to need a cage is simple, and don’t forget the later 4th gen came with an LS engine so you know you can do any swap you like. Even the interior is clean!
Seller: 94 Chevy Camaro clean in and out runs great V6 automatic lien sale paperwork tags are expired 2015 the fees are $160 the miles are 180,000 Needs a little tlc $800 Call or Text (909) 282-6867
The 1974 Celica is probably the odd ball on our list, but it’s cool. It’s the roughest as well, but we think it can be saved without being a horrible job. You used to see these all the time at the track. Now they are not as common. We’d be happy to see this thing racing with a Toyota engine, a small block, anything. We just dig the body style and think that one would make a great drag radial car. Can’t you see this thing wearing a pair of 275/60/15s?
Seller: I have a 74 celica st that needs lots of love. it good for parts or if you are brave enough to restore it there she is. It has an original radio tail lights are in excellent shape. it has some miscellaneous parts $900.00 or will trade for an AR15 legally or 17 inch Trd rock warrior for a 07 or newer tundra or ????? (909)319-6940
There are other 2003 Mustangs for sale on Craigslist for cheaper, but we think the fact that this one is so straight will save you a fortune in the long run and that’s why we would spend a few hundred extra now for this one. Plus the fact that it won’t pass smog here makes it a stray, so when combined with needs to be gone fast, you can get one hell of a deal on it. We’d guess that $600 cash takes this thing if you are good. Want no drama and an easy negotiation? Walk in with $850 in your hand and it is yours right now. We all know what kind of race cars these make, so the sky is the limit. Might as well start out with a straight clean car before you cut it up.
Seller: Need gone fast
Needs work
Drives decent
1000.00 obo
Has tags paid
Just need smog
To get current tags
I said that the Celica was the oddball on our list, but this 1966 Dodge D-100 might be as well. I’ve driven a D-100 on a fairly regular basis back in the day, and I can tell you that they are great. With that said, the very first thing that crossed my mind when I saw this one was GASSER! It says it is rusty and all that, which you can’t see in the photos, but if the rest looks like this I would make it a kick ass gasser and have a load of fun with it. Max wedge? HEMI? Blower? Nitrous? Hmmmmmmm
I was so interested in this one, that I actually called on it. It runs and drives, needs tires and a tune, but it’s all there. The bad, and the real reason I don’t own it at this moment, is the fact that there is only a Bill of Sale and it is still in the California DMW system. There are $800 worth of fees owed at this point. For those of you looking to race it only, or to take it out of state, none of that matters. Seller is cool and honest. Call him.
Seller: old pickup for sale beat up bent and rusted. runs and drives. as is bill of sale only. old mountain high ski resort truck.sold as is for parts only no title. Call or Text Lance (760) 217-1241
The pinto, ok nice
the Camaro, at track working on the engine in that engine bay, I\’d be running away and find a 3rd gen first.., the toyo, different, it have to have all the outerparts as that might be hard to find..
the mustang, ok,, but pinto first..
the dodge truck, is that a plug for D.F. or his side kick on engine masters..
you\’re in cali.. what does a basic speedway tee cost?? it be a better starting point than most of these.. and cheaper to build..
No reason to pay back fees on old cars. There are laws to prevent you from doing so. Look here
What Mike has shared is the greatest thing I have seen all day!
The short wheel base Dodge is sweet!
The 1974 Celica reminds me of a car I raced in 1994:
Thought I could post a photo. Here’s a link instead: http://i.imgur.com/I3HBE2c.png