When Jesus “Chuy” Nava from MSD Performance sends me stuff it’s usually pretty kick ass. Well this one is most certainly kick ass, because in this eBay listing you can by the 1970 Nova from the Quentin Tarantino move “DEATH PROOF” (2006). Chuy’s exaclt words in his email were “Man! I want this car!!”. I agree brother. Sure it’s overpriced for a 1970 Nova, but it’s got cool history and it includes free shipping from Europe. And if you want to go full on Stuntman Mike, the character played by Kurt Russell who drove the car in the movie, his wardrobe and other props are available as well.
If we had NOTHING but money. Like so much that buying this would be the equivalent of deciding whether to go King Size on the Snickers bar or regular, then we’d snatch it up, put a simple small block with a bunch of cam in it, and then park it in our collection and do burnouts with it whenever the mood struck. We’d probably drive it to the grocery store and stuff just to freak people out. It would rule for that.
Someone buy it! And then let us do some cool video stuff with it. We’ll drive it across country once it arrives in the port and bring it to wherever you live. It will be epic. Brian likes tractors, so he can ride in the tractor seat. I’ll drive.
Click the link at the bottom of the page to view the original auction listing.
Overpriced? I wouldn’t buy if I had more money than the Pope! Never even heard of the movie.
But Shipping is Free!
You need to watch the movie then, its pretty epic, and I dont even like Chevy’s.
I have sat in the other surviving car. Owned by stunt driver, Buddy Joe Hooker. Met him at Bob’s Big Boy. Totally cool guy. Great birthday present.
Never heard of the movie, but WTF is the tractor seat all about?
For the people that don’t know, the whole concept of the movie was the driver would lure un-suspecting girls into the car, and then while they were sitting on there side boxed in by that plexi-glass in that tractor seat with no seatbelt he would either wreck the car or do something insane which would cause them to slam into the roll cage or other various parts of the car, killing them, while he was essentially death proof on his side.
Thats the gist of it, and it was a pretty bad movie.
film is bad car is bad? You must be on bad drugs
Gees, I like Tarantino’s other classics. Glad I missed this one.
I don’t care for the stupid seat. I know it has to do with the movie but the only place those things belong is on a tractor. Not another car, rat rod or truck.
Another stupid movie that wrecks cool cars.
You mean like Bullitt, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, Vanishing Point, and American Graffiti? All destroyed classic cars.
Yeah, what Scott said. Death Proof is a good movie, taken as all Tarantino movies should be taken. Entertainment.
Scott, you also forgot to mention that these movies were made 40 yrs ago!
some of you ladies need to stick to your Bridges of Madison County and Fried Green Tomato movies if you dont want to watch a mans movie
I always wondered where they ever found that “Rubber Duck” hood ornament…..10-4 good buddy!!
Pass. Not even if it was from a good movie.
There is a cool lap dance!!!!!! On it!!!
I like cool cars. I like the movie but I don’t think I would want a car that got famous because chicks were killed in it in the movie scenes where it was featured. Novas can be so bad ass because they were such simple cars, but not when they are all about killing chicks.