I was recently chatting with one of my die-hard drag racing pals and the subject wandered onto exhibition vehicles like wheelstanders, jet cars, and other acts designed to put on a show to keep fans entertained while heading down the strip. This guy could be more against them. He hates jet cars, hates wheelstanders, and hates virtually anything that isn’t running side by side in competition down a drag strip. I told him that his opinion was wrong. If there has been a bigger “bang for the buck” draw than jet cars at drag strips over the last 40+ years we’re not sure what it is. More so than any other vehicle, jets have been a big part of putting butts in seats at strips across the world.
I enjoy exhibition cars, personally. I don’t have the hatred my buddy has for them. I particularly enjoy wheelstanders, even with their ever dwindling numbers. There was a time when whole events would be centered around wheelstanders and several of them were majorly famous across the country. From the LA Dart, to The Little Red Wagon, to the Hell On Wheels tank, these things were featured attractions that people loved to watch. There are a small number of wheelstanders out there running around now and for the most part they’re solid cars that put on a great show. From Danny O’Day and his 8-second Ford roadster to KC Jones’s “Wheelie Wagon” Radio Flyer, there’s still lots of fun being had on two wheels from the diehard group.
What do you say?
BangShift Question Of The Day: Are Exhibition Drag Cars Cool?
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Just look at the wheelstand nationals at Byron. Those aren’t exhibition cars per se, but they are putting on a show one at a time. While I’ve never been there, and would like to go, it’s got to be a big draw of the year for them.
If there is just one fan in the stands, every vehicle that goes down the track is an exhibition car. Tracks need all the help they can get these days. I say bring them on, but don’t gouge the spectators in the wallet while doing it.
In my view all race cars are exhibition in one way or another.And in answer to your headline question.I have been to the wheel stand contest at Byron. The place is overtaken with spectators .There is a reason race tracks have exhibition races,weither its just a couple vehicles or the intire day.It puts asses in the seats.And that’s what makes them $$$.Bill Golden with The Little Red Wagon ,was the king.he started in the mid 60’s doing just exhibition shows .May he rest in piece. The real compition is great , however the goofy stuff has its place also.In my opinion
Why YES they are!
+ Car Hops,the 2 wheeled type.
The wheelie stage couch is where I draw the line. Come on!
I used to hate them, but now I LOVE them!! They are definitely a big part of the of the history of drag racing!!!
How can you not like burner pops from jet cars! Its even better when two of them do it at the same time!
They help lure people who ordinarily wouldn’t spectate. if only guys like your hard core buddy went to the show, tracks woulda shut down long ago. Broadway Bob Metzler was the master at balancing this stuff.
I love the exhibition vehicles. I enjoy wheelstanders and love the jet cars. Love them or hate them, they are awesome pieces of machinery and displays of power. The raw power and spectacle of Bob Motz\’s jet semi is pure Americana and one of the most awesome sights to see.
Don’t forget Hemi Under Glass!
When I went to a drag racing event for the first time with my dad (Zandvoort 1984) and saw Sammy Miller, Jet cars, Wheelstanders and all, I loved them.
And I got hooked to the sport.
Today I’m not a big fan of the bells and whistles. But there will always be first timers in the grand stands. And we need these kids. I love to see them smile and want to come again.
As a fellow announcer I’d say nothing brings the entire crowd together like exhibition cars. From wheelstanders to jet cars I’d say it’s about the only time that all spectators stay in their seats.
Yes they are cool, I got to hang out and tow one of the best wheelstanders in the country, Danny O’Day. You should have seen the kids stop by at his pit…They love the wheelie cars, Any hot rod that can help bring butts to the bleachers should be embraced as helping the sport….