
the car junkie daily magazine.


Massive Junkyard Auction in Nebraska Coming in July!

Massive Junkyard Auction in Nebraska Coming in July!

We were recently tipped off to a huge by large auction happening in Maxwell, Nebraska during the mid-July time frame. The entire contents of a junkyard are being sold off piece by piece. The cars and trucks all range from the 1940s through the 1970s. Looking at the example photos the stuff looks like great starting fodder for project cars. Patina is plentiful, but full blown cancerous rot looks to be at a minimum. 

There are more than a couple cars pictured that would be perfect candidates to get mechanically fixed up and cosmetically left alone. Hey, we have Chad’s Rusty in our project car portfolio, so what did you expect us to say?

Take some time and scroll through the list of cars that will be sold. There is some relatively rare stuff in there (1958 Chevy Yeoman 2-dr wagon), some true oddballs (Mid 1960s Saab anyone?), and plenty of cool muscle and trucks waiting to be saved.

If you are in the Nebraska area, you need to stop by Maxwell on July 17th to see the auction and cruise the aisles. If you are looking for a car to start a project with, grab a trailer, a buddy, a few fist fulls of No-Doze and haul ass to Nebraska!

Thanks to Glen for the tip!



Awesome late 1950s full size 

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1 thoughts on “Massive Junkyard Auction in Nebraska Coming in July!

  1. Cyclone03

    +10! “Hats off!” Kudo’s whatever….

    to the owners of this yard for NOT just sending it all to the crusher!

    I see “Pate”, Pamona,Carlilse etc going on a few more years with parts halled from this sale.

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