The Trailer For 24 Hour War Has Us Dying To See This Killer Looking Documentary

The Trailer For 24 Hour War Has Us Dying To See This Killer Looking Documentary

It is one of the greatest American racing triumphs ever. It was a battle of huge budgets, huge egos, and huge personalities. It was a fight between Italy and the USA, it was a fight between domination and a company obsessed with dominating the world of racing, it was a 24 Hour War and the latest automotive film co-directed by Adam Corolla tells the story. This is a follow up effort to his incredible Paul Newman documentary Winning and if it is anywhere near as good as that one this thing is going to blow your mind.

The story has been told in many, many places but we’re not sure it has ever been told like this. A kind of oral history spliced in with amazing historical footage, current day supporters of both Ford and Ferrari, as well as those gray haired individuals who were there to watch the whole thing happen.

As much as this was a 24 Hour War it was a multi-year battle between the companies. One that Ford was not very good at fighting at the beginning but they did not quit. Public failure is part of racing and Ford certainly got their fare share of that with the GT40 program in its earlier stages.

Drivers like Andretti appear in this film, executives from the companies, historical context is given and the story will be told. THIS Is not going to be one to miss if you are a fan of racing history, Ford, Le Mans, or anything to do with the iconic cars that battled it out through the daylight and the darkness on the Circuit de la Sartre in France. We literally cannot wait to lay our eyeballs on this one!

Watch the trailer for 24 Hour War here – Ford VS Ferrari at LeMans

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