Some people like to rise gently with the sun, starting the day off calmly. Then there’s those who have their alarm set to the song of choice that kicks off like a bomb blast and greet the world at 100%, ready to fight whatever is waiting for them. Let’s just say that this Morning Symphony is for the second type.
We’re used to Australian burnout contests. The premise is simple: blow the tires off by any means necessary, with style. We’ve seen engines puke, fires blow out of the car mid-skid, numerous misjudgments that resulted in wrinkled sheetmetal, even dynamic rollovers. What we haven’t seen is a fire like this Holden set off…count it with us now…three seconds into it’s burnout. The car doesn’t even make it into the pit, yet there’s flames blasting out of the back of the car and the grass berm is now ablaze. The Aussies have a term for this that couldn’t be any more appropriate: F**king mental.
(Thanks to Ryan Majewski for the tip!)
top of the morning to ya!
heres a better view of Kranky at work… love the blower whine…
This vid never gets old. I love the official who’s clapping for the go, and changes abruptly to the no/dont/stop wave a split second later as the Bridgestone BBQ toasts the shubs.