This weekend, we’ll be attending the 63rd annual Rough and Tumble Thresherman’s Reunion in Kinzers, Pennsylvania. This event is a celebration of ancient steam traction engines, equipment, vintage gasoline engines, tractors, and virtually every antique machine that burns something (wood, whale oil, gasoline, kerosene) and makes noise! We’ve been wanting to attend for years and it seems that the kids are fit for a long road trip, so we’re heading south from Boston to the Landcaster, PA area!
The show runs from the 17th through the 20th with the culmination of things happening on Saturday. The Rough and Tumble Engineers Historical Association is the group behind the event and they’ve held this celebration of awesomness every year since 1948. Originally, the event was intended as a way for farmers that still used old steam equipment to get together to show off their stuff, celebrate the harvest, and have a day of fun. Reportedly in 1948 some people drove steam tractors more than 20 miles to get to the event!
Now the event is about celebrating all of the great machines that helped build and feed this country in years past. We’re stoked to check out the stationary steam engine museum, which featured some massive steam power plants built ages ago as well as the big old gasoline engines, both hit and miss, and otherwise.
There will be a saw mill operating, large displays of tractors, vintage trucks, and as we said before, stuff we haven’t even considered!
Our fascination with old machines is pretty simple. They were all designed without the bonds of modern “rules”. Everything was a clean sheet and there was no “wrong” way. Sure, there were failures and inferior designs, but they too made it to market and some have been lovingly resored by enthusiasts. Oh, there’s also the blatant mechanical porn of exposed moving parts. We’re totally into that as well.
If you are a Lancaster, PA area BangShifter and you have even a remote interest in this stuff, spring the $7.00 and come check out the show!
Hit the link below for more info!
The 63rd annual Rough and Tumble Thresherman’s Reunion – Kinzers, PA
I look forward to your report. That would be a blast.
What days are you guys heading to the show, Brian? I took the day off Friday, I am trying to choose between the Cecil Co. LODRS or Kinzer…decisions, decisions.
Any gearhead that has never been to one of these “steamfests” really needs to make an honest attempt to attend one. Its mesmerizing to stare at all that cool old iron.
I am anxious to see the report from this show. I try to attend the steam threshers show in Pawnee each May and didn’t get to go this year. I’ll have to get my steam oil fix in digital format this year.
On my way to Byron Dragway I saw signs for the Threshermans Reunion in Sycamore, Il going on that day. Damn, I missed it again.
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resident Obama told automakers Monday they should focus on making smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles. Another breathtaking show of arrogance from a Harvard Law-trained social activist? Call it a breathtaking show of ignorance.
?ǣYou can?
I used to go to this with my gran pops
I have pics of me lil standing in wheels of thoses iron beasts good times good memorys I an not wait till my youngest is big enough to go and enjy it so us 3 boys can go make more family memorys have fun