
the car junkie daily magazine.


Thursday Bonneville Video Bonanza: More Great Footage From the Salt

Thursday Bonneville Video Bonanza: More Great Footage From the Salt

We could sit and watch cars launch off and power down the short and long courses at Bonneville all day long. Luckily for us, there are lots of fans and racers out there now carrying video cameras around and they are continuing to flood the web with video. To the point where we’re writing this, there has been no major carnage of the crashing type at this meet, and we hope it stays that way. Mechanical carnage is a completely different story, but that’s another story for another day.

Here’s another awesome group of videos shot over the past couple of days at Bonneville Speed Week 2011:


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1 thoughts on “Thursday Bonneville Video Bonanza: More Great Footage From the Salt

  1. Runk

    The sign of a true Motorhead, a nice young las walks in front og the camera , and he moves over to get a better shot od the car… LOL….

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