
the car junkie daily magazine.


Best Of BS 2017: Check Out The Ramcharger And The ’57 Ford Truck Remote-Controls!

Best Of BS 2017: Check Out The Ramcharger And The ’57 Ford Truck Remote-Controls!

There are remote-controlled vehicles, and then there are the true scaled-down, replica machines like what you will see here. Take a look at the 1987 Dodge Ramcharger…at first take it looks like a typical rough-and-ready lifted Ramcharger, but that is a remote-controlled truck, and the same goes with the 1957 Ford pickup following it along this “trail ride”. It is extremely difficult to find any real element of a traditional R/C car on either rig: there is no visible antenna, there are detailed interiors (easily seen via the Ramcharger’s rear windows) and the running gear looks more like the real-deal than a remote-control car, down to the leaf-spring U-bolts on the Ford. What’s more is that both of the bodies on these trucks are hand-made! We suspect 3D printing (the builder, YouTuber “Headquake”, has several other cool setups including a 1977 Ford truck and a mid-1960s International pickup) but no matter how it’s done, you have to admire the amount of details that these rigs showcase. They even articulate in a manner similar to the real deal rigs! What do you think about these little off-roaders?

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9 thoughts on “Best Of BS 2017: Check Out The Ramcharger And The ’57 Ford Truck Remote-Controls!

    1. Matt Cramer

      Yeah, the detail level is way too good for anything but the most expensive 3D printing. You could almost fool the audience into thinking they’re real if you dubbed the sound track; the only hint I saw they weren’t was that the “glass” looks like it flexes a bit. Very impressive.

  1. HotRodPop

    As a modeler of 50 years, I appreciate most any sort of miniature vehicle, but these are mind blowing! Boss cat, too!

  2. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie


    Both these beauties are destroyed when that cat shits upon them from a great height…..

  3. 69rrboy

    Actually the trucks are real. He just didn’t want his neighborhood to worry about the 40 foot cat on the loose!!

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