The Best Car Ad On eBay Right Now Is For A 2003 Lada – Seriously! This Is Hilarious

The Best Car Ad On eBay Right Now Is For A 2003 Lada – Seriously! This Is Hilarious


We enjoy people’s oddly creative minds around here. Take for instance the sales ad for this 2003 Lada. We don’t even know if it is a 2003 Lada because we don’t really give enough of a rip to look it up. Let’s say that it is a 2003 Lada. In that case it is a car that looks like a rolling prison cell. This is Eastern European looking to its core.

Devoid of joy and creativity, we’re sure it is built ruggedly and could withstand many miles sadly traversing this county or others if you wanted to put yourself through that torture. Amazingly the only thing that this car really has going for it is the ad that the “seller” put up to move the POS.

Touting the car as virtually perfect post-apocalypse transport and defense, it is a funny read that isn’t completely over the top. We’re going to give you a teaser below and then you can hit the link to see the entire thing in all its glory on eBay. Big fun!

Thanks for the tip Allen Frye!

Here’s a tease – 

 Why are people who drive LADA always calm and confident? They know that the worst thing has happened to them. The zombie apocalypse? Nuclear war? Cyborgs or aliens captured the world? It’s all bullshit. This bitch will get on any semblance of gasoline and take you anywhere. Need to take away a lot of supplies? Well, fold the rear seats and you will have a large trunk, you can still put ammunition and your favorite gun there. Are the savages haunted like in Mad Max? Put a friend in the trunk of a friend with a gun, open the lid and let him deal with them. After the nuclear war machine broke down? LADA can be repaired using shit and sticks. The car is very repairable.


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1 thoughts on “The Best Car Ad On eBay Right Now Is For A 2003 Lada – Seriously! This Is Hilarious

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Well its certainly made of shit and sticks!

    What’s needed is an Ecotech transplant and then you can go off embarrassing muscle cars in something that looks like its worth 50 cents.

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