
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Slowest Left-Lane Driver On The Busiest Road In North America, Busted: 25 Miles Per Hour!

The Slowest Left-Lane Driver On The Busiest Road In North America, Busted: 25 Miles Per Hour!

Believe it or not, but the busiest section of roadway in North America isn’t in Southern California. It’s in Ontario, Canada: Ontario Highway 401. This bit of road is the connector between Detroit and Quebec and runs through Toronto and the section of Canada that is home for over half of the national population. It’s also one of the widest in the world, with eighteen lanes near the airport in Toronto, and it’s the support system for over a billion dollars’ worth of trade a day. Traffic moves along at a maximum of 100 KPH (62 MPH) for the most part, but last week, there was a notable exception to that rule.

A 47-year-old woman was driving along near Mallorytown, Ontario, with her headlights on high beams, headed east, doing 40 KPH (25 MPH) in the far left lane, just cruising along with not a care in the world. I can only guess as to your normal road rage when someone is a few miles per hour off of the normal pace in the left lane, so imagine someone doing less than half of the posted speed limit while hogging the road. Between that and blinded motorists coming the other way, it was a guarantee that the cops were going to be called. Leeds County Ontario Provincial Police wound up having to do a tandem stop, with one car in front and one car behind the the woman’s vehicle, to make sure that she was moved off of the highway in a safe manner. When questioned, the driver claimed that she thought the speed limit was 50 KPH and that she was ok.

She was ticketed for “unnecessarily slow driving, failure to obey signs and failure to provide proof of insurance,” according to CBC.ca.

Score one for the good guys up North!



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10 thoughts on “The Slowest Left-Lane Driver On The Busiest Road In North America, Busted: 25 Miles Per Hour!

  1. Rock On

    You guys really should come up here to experience it. Eighteen lanes wide and usually stop and go eighteen hours a day. Game over if it rains or snows. But I guess that is to be expected when the licensing requirements are so lax. Same thing for big rigs. That is why the Greater Toronto Area also has the highest vehicle insurance rates in North America!

    1. 1320merc

      Not sure about that my friend, I think we might have you guys beat in the insurance rate department out here in Vancouver BC. A metric sh$t ton of new drivers crashing high end sports cars is doing a pretty good job of driving rates through the roof, lol

  2. Gary Smrtic

    Rolling road block. Should’ve pulled her license…Asian in Prius. Love it!
    What do you get when you cross a Mexican and an Asian? A car thief that can’t drive…

    (and BTW, any of you who are offended, bugger off, I don’t care)

  3. Tim

    I remember in Denver 1973 a driver was pulled over on I-70 east of the I-25 interchange (Mousetrap) for doing far less than the posted speed in the left lane during rush hour with a lot of traffic backed up behind him. In fact the jerk wasn’t even maintaining the minimum speed making him in violation of the law. He was cited for not driving at least the minimum speed, went to court and beat the ticket. Since this was the era of the phony gas shortages and it was Denver’s turn to get hit with this experiment to see how Americans reacted to not having the gas they needed to get to work this jerk’s defense was he was driving slow to save gas. The judge must have been a tree hugger or drinking or smoking something because he dismissed the ticket. I believe it was the Rocky Mountain News that reported the ticket and did the follow up because of this outrageous dismissal. I may be off on year by one but yes, that really happened.

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