It makes us feel angry and ancient to admit that that a 2005 Mustang is not a new car anymore. The things are 13 years old and can be had for a literal song on any sort of internet selling operation like Craigslist, eBay, AutoTempest, etc. The bottom line is now is the time to find a clean car for short money and start tweaking it. RideTech is always on point when it comes to this stuff and that’s why their 2005-2014 Mustang coilover suspension upgrade is the way to transform your ‘Stang into a corner carving, autocrossing beast.
We know that not every suspension has their own test track at the facility where they make stuff. In fact, we’re not sure if any others out there have one outside of Ridetech. The track you see the car hammering around in this video was installed by the company a couple of years ago to test their products and science out ideas. The end result is that the engineering guys create solutions and upgrades in the building and then run outside to see if they work. We’re sure that many ideas have hit the scrap after actually being run but the ones that make it through are winners all the way around.
Your 2005-2014 Mustang is probably pretty fun but the boys and girls at RideTech have the ticket to make it truly bad ass and enjoyable. Don’t take our word for it. Watch the video below and see how YOU can fix ‘er up!