If you drive cross country as much as we do, you see some weird stuff. Sometimes you look at some big ass tower and wonder how in the hell they put that thing together on site, or if they actually hauled it in and stood it up with a giant crane. Of course while driving along you never get the answer to that question, but it certainly makes you think. Well this video is going to educate and entertain you as this GIANT demethanizer tower is hauled across Texas. How giant? The tower alone is 294 feet long without counting the trucks. It is being carried by multiple trailers, each able to be independently turned, so that this big long beast can make it around corners that are way to sharp for something like this. Oh, and they have to use multiple tractors to pull AND push this sucker down the road and around the corners.
What makes me laugh is the fact that they go through some pretty small towns to get this tower to its final destination. I suppose that is so that they are not blocking heavily traveled routes, but it still seems funny to see this giant pair of rigs, with two trailers, going through towns with gas stations that only have a couple pumps. Not what you expect, that is for sure.
And do you know how you know you are hauling a big load? When your big rig has to have thousands of pounds of weight added over the axles so you don’t spin the tires while pulling on flat ground! Yeah, this is a really big tower. Before you ask what a demethanizer tower is for, keep in mind we know exactly as much as you do. We figure that it is taking methane out of something, and since it is west Texas it is most likely part of a larger system that handles natural gas.
Yup, that stuff goes on up here as well, back in Jan, they moved the largest load in the history of the province, at 97 meters long & weighing 800 Tonnes (318.24 feet & 1,763,698 lbs), over a period of days, from the fab shop that built it on the south side of Edmonton, out to the Heartland Petrochemical Complex, which is currently being built outside Fort Saskatchewan……
Hey, where’s the 421 Pontiac engines today?
I want to see what lifted that thing into position
I race at Houston Raceway Park in Baytown in Texas. They unload huge refinery towers off ships and put them on those type trucks to haul to the refinery. They come right by the track late Friday nights and go about 1/2 mile an hour. Awesome to see them roll by so slowly while you are in the staging lanes.