NHRA Insider Podcast: A Season Ending Look Back At The Finals, A Trip Around The World, and What’s To Come

NHRA Insider Podcast: A Season Ending Look Back At The Finals, A Trip Around The World, and What’s To Come

It’s been about a month since the last time I made an episode of the NHRA Insider Podcast and there’s a reason for that. First, the NHRA finals happened. Then I went with an NHRA contingent to Saudi Arabia, then Thanksgiving happened which included family vacation, and then finally PRI happened days after we got back from that adventure. It was not good for podcastular production. But we’re back, baby!

On this episode of the NHRA Insider Podcast I present to you a monologue that talks about all the stuff I just mentioned (sans the family vacation). We touch on the biggest rumors in the sport, the PRI show, the NHRA finals, and our adventure to Saudi Arabia. This show is done in monologue form as basically every driver and/or crew guy/girl worth their salt blew out of town or was in the process of blowing out of town directly after PRI for some much needed R&R. We’ll have them back and rolling for upcoming episodes.

There is a TON of news coming on the NHRA front and it is all good news. New teams, new sponsors,  new magic in terms of drivers and fresh faces we’ll be seeing at the races. Pro stock is adding multiple cars, top fuel is adding multiple cars, and funny car is in the same boat. 2020 is going to rule and this is my send off to 2019.

Hope you dig it!

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