You almost wonder if the guys behind Grind Hard Plumbing Co. just sit around dreaming up wilder and wilder ideas. You have to…look at what they’ve come up with in a short amount of time: Power Wheels that would scare adults senseless, that are capable of triple-digit speeds and off-roading antics. And that’s only one major section of what they’ve done. Just one. Nevermind the Odyssey project, nevermind a snowmobile-powered Triumph. Hot. Rodded. Power. Wheels. Little plastic cars that get wicked up into thumping terrors that consist of a seat, an engine, and one adult who will soon be subsisting simply on adrenaline.
The target is the Camaro build, and this time it’s a seasonal change. You see, it’s winter time in Idaho. That means snow. That means that small little Power Wheels cars, no matter how potent they are, aren’t going to be happy in drifts. Enter: one box from China that has the answer in the form of caterpillar tracks and skis. Yeah…we wouldn’t have thought this one up if we tried. We wouldn’t have known were to start sourcing parts! Yet here it is, in full form: a Power Wheels Camaro kitted out like a sled, ready to rip over snowy hill and dale.