Horsepower, thumping engines, lateral g-forces, the smell of burning rubber, hot brakes, and spent race fuel are all internationally recognized as being awesome. During a time when hot rodders around the globe are being forced to deny themselves of the things we love doing best, perhaps it is a good reminder to have a look at the fact we exist in every country on Earth and we’re all in this thing together, no matter how you slice it. Case in point, we got tipped off to this video by Matt Cramer and we thank him for that. The footage features a 1966 Dodge Dart road racer that was built in Finland and looks fantastic. The car sounds and runs fantastic as well.
While we do not know the course, we dig the layout as it provides good real estate as well as some tight corners that show us how this Dart works. The engine sounds awesome being wrung out through the straights and makes good power, enough to turn the tires coming out of the corners. We’d not call this car violently powerful, but then again that’s not what you want in a road racing car.
This machine is smooth and it’s got plenty of guts. We think the driver’s got some skills as well. You’ll see him using the whole track and using the car as well.
This guy wants to be out in his road race car as bad as you want to be in your drag car, boat, muscle car, pro touring car, autocross car, whatever you have. He thinks this whole thing sucks as well. We cannot wait to get back out there living at full throttle but for the moment, videos like this can make us smile and appreciate the fact that gear heads live everywhere.
This video rules! Ride in a hot rodded 1966 Dart as it burns corners!
First couple laps of the Race 2 from Kemora last weekend. Some traffic in the beginning… 😉
Posted by Jari Tabell on Thursday, May 31, 2018