The Green Light: WebMD Highlights Paul Lee’s Journey Back To Driving A Funny Car After A Heart Attack.

The Green Light: WebMD Highlights Paul Lee’s Journey Back To Driving A Funny Car After A Heart Attack.

When our friend, and owner of McLeod and FTI, Paul Lee had his heart attack back in 2016 the NHRA Drag Racing community was shocked. Paul was one of these in-shape guys that you never expected to have a massive heart attack. When it became clear that this heart attack caused major, life changing, damage, Paul went into get back to living mode. That meant massive amounts of physical therapy, conditioning, and more, but with the understanding that none of it would ever allow him to race a Nitro burning hot rod again. His racing career was over, after years of working to get to the very spot he was in right before the heart attack.

He had just signed a deal to race a third Kalitta Motorsports Funny Car and was looking forward to his career in racing moving onward and upward. And then the heart attack took that all away.

We talked to him multiple times afterwards, and can tell you that his attitude toward life and business and growth was amazing, even though he had a very real and apparent disappointment in never getting behind the wheel again. Most people would not have handled it so well.

Imagine his surprise though, when the doctors said his recovery was so good maybe he could make a hit in the race car again! Well that was all he needed to start pushing harder and working with medical staff to see if that could become a genuine reality. Watch this great short film from WebMD to see the journey and learn the story. It’s pretty awesome.

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