Would You Buy This Online? Unboxing & Testing A Chinese “$2,000” ELECTRIC Truck!

Would You Buy This Online? Unboxing & Testing A Chinese “$2,000” ELECTRIC Truck!

Buying stuff online has become the norm in the past few years, but buying an electric truck that is designed and built in China and is not regularly for sale here in the United States is a bit of a different thing. So when we say this video we started to laugh but not just because the “truck” is so funny looking, but also because we can only imagine the adventure in getting it to the United States and how it must have been to actually make the order go through. In the two videos below you’ll see the process for finding, and order, and arranging shipping of this little truck and then seeing what kind of shape it is in once it shows up.

Oh, and then there is the testing of the darn thing. Will it suck or will it rule?


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5 thoughts on “Would You Buy This Online? Unboxing & Testing A Chinese “$2,000” ELECTRIC Truck!

  1. Matt Cramer

    Turns out “Awesomely Weird Alibaba EV of the Week” is quite a rabbit hole. These seem to be everything from Dr. Kevorkian’s much funnier competition, to things that look like they would make great toys like the mini construction vehicles. Now, what would you need to make the Victorian horseless carriage replica fit NEV standards?

  2. Johnny Prestone

    $7900? You could buy an older used pickup for that cost… Especially if all you care about is using it on a farm and no road use.

    1. Matt Cramer

      On the other hand, it might be a reasonable thing to cross-shop with a John Deere Gator, if it doesn’t fall apart in a few months. Which might happen.

  3. Tubbed Pacecar

    A follow up vid each year on anniversary of purchase will be very entertaining, there may be vid, but not really necessary, as it probably will no longer move at that point, and most of it will be orange as the Florida humidity takes it’s toll on the poorly prepared paint.
    I would be quite happy to be wrong, but sadly, don’t expect I will be….

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