
the car junkie daily magazine.


Book Review: Quarter-Mile Chaos

Book Review: Quarter-Mile Chaos

We’re certainly down to the wire for Christmas gifts, both the stuff you’re shopping for and the stuff you’re asking for. With that said, there’s still time for cool stuff and this is cool stuff: Quarter Mile Chaos by Steve Reyes.

While we certainly don’t watch racing for the crashes, there’s the inevitable reality that they do contribute to the interest level of all forms of racing across the board. This book is a catalog of stuff going wrong, both big and small. Steve Reyes is still recognized as one of the greatest lensmen to ever point and shoot toward a dragstrip.

His gift was the ability to be in the right place at the wrong time and this coffee table book is a clear documentation of that talent. The photos are all from the ’60s, ’70s and early ’80s during the “golden years” of drag racing. This was the era before stuff like blower restraints, so flying superchargers fill the pages, along with twisted chrome-moly tube, major flames, and in a couple cases, cars literally running over the Tree.

Most coffee table books are worth one trip through and you never see them again. We find ourselves picking this one back up every couple of months to see some simply astounding action photography.

To the best of our knowledge, all of the subjects of these photos came out ok in the end, but just about all of them had to be sore as hell the next day. Score the book and see the carnage for yourself!

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