Tour World’s Largest Enclosed Luxury Car Hauler – 9 Car Auto Transporter

Tour World’s Largest Enclosed Luxury Car Hauler – 9 Car Auto Transporter

In this video, Reliable is giving us a full tour of the largest enclosed car hauler on the planet and it’s awesome! Check it out.

Today’s big rigs are something else. Never before have there been over-the-road trucks with more creature comforts, more power, or more luxury. Unfortunately, that describes pretty much all the newer trucks on the road and they all pretty much look alike on the inside. One of the exceptions to this are the trucks of Reliable Carriers, the country’s leading transporter of collectible, custom, and high-value cars and trucks. The fleet at Reliable is always posted up with the full shine going on, and with killer lighting at night.

They really are some of the nicest looking fleet rigs you’ll ever see on the road.

Check out the specs and video below.

Video Description:

Ever wonder how Porsches, Mercedes, Maseratis and other luxury vehicles get transported from the port to the dealership? Meet the Wiggle Wagon! Reliable Carriers 9-Car Enclosed auto transporter.

Professional auto transporter Marty Maxwell from Reliable Carriers gives us a tour of his beautiful Wiggle Wagon. Used for high volume, high value distribution for luxury auto brands.Marty shows us how he loads a GMC Denali onto his trailer. He also shares a 360 look at both his wiggle wagon trailer, and inside the minimalistic sleeper.

Equipment Specs: Truck – 2020 4900SF Western Star Trailer – 2020 Cottrell Wiggle Wagon

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1 thoughts on “Tour World’s Largest Enclosed Luxury Car Hauler – 9 Car Auto Transporter

  1. Piston Pete

    The first time I realized there were companies that maintained their own fleet of high end cross country rigs was when I was 19 and saw the Steelcase Office Furniture trucks roll up to the new Public Service Indiana headquarters building I’d spent the last year and a half helping to build. They were the cleanest, nicest semis I’d ever seen.
    I’m sure there are dozens of others, but the Woods Mower company also has a nice fleet.

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