
the car junkie daily magazine.


ALS Cruise In For A Cure – More Photos Of The Cars, Trucks, and Race Machines That Gathered For A Great Cause

ALS Cruise In For A Cure – More Photos Of The Cars, Trucks, and Race Machines That Gathered For A Great Cause

(Words and photos by Doug Gregory) – This show took place May 7, 2017 in Greendale, IN which is nearly indistinguishable from Lawrenceburg as you drive down the road.  This area is teaming with automotive stuff which includes Lawrenceburg Speedway (one of the nicest dirt tracks I’ve ever been to), Edgewater Motorsports Park (drag strip), and Gravelrama (the latter two are in Cleves, OH ).  Having an event around here guarantees a lot of different kinds of cars and genres.  Muscle cars are big and we were not disappointed with the offerings.  We spent a lot of time hovering over a burgundy ’64 R-code Galaxie 500.  This thing was spotless and was sporting upgrades in certain areas including a wide set of drag radials.  I’d really like to hear this one at full throttle.  Another was a seemingly ‘tame’ Orange GTO with the Ram Air IV 400 and a stick.  It can run 11s on stickies and mid 12s on skinny, stock-looking hoops.  Not a tame tiger.

We’ve  got to see Brad Eglian’s Lumina at the Autorama in Cincinnati a few times before, but haven’t seen it outside in daylight.  If you don’t know who that is then you likely don’t watch Street Outlaws (which is okay…I don’t anymore).  B-rad has been on the show some and he’s made a name for himself with grudge racing, no-prep, and more.  He runs BES-built power so you know it’s stout.  The car is clean and some of us never get tired of the tube chassis cars from the 90s.  Quirky and cool.

I have a soft spot for ’70 Mustang fastbacks and the blue Mach 1 we spotted sitting all by itself was checking all the right boxes on my list.  It looks like a work-in-progress and is a driver.  What more could you want….   Nice, but not so nice you cry after it suffers a rock chip.

Lastly there was a Rolls Royce that had appeared in many films and television shows.  It has some wear, but had lots of documentation proving all it had done.  Not something you would normally expect to see and that is partly what makes it great.

More coverage to come.

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