
the car junkie daily magazine.


Before Shutdown Greatness: More Pre-Coronavirus Autorama Photos From Omaha

Before Shutdown Greatness: More Pre-Coronavirus Autorama Photos From Omaha

With Chad in Tulsa covering the Throwdown this weekend, I’ve had the full run of BangShift and putting this piece out, it feels weird…I’d actually have to go back into my history to find the last gallery I put up! The whole COVID-19 deal has removed what feels like two whole months from the year, but much like I do when Spring is finally ready to reveal itself, I’ve been looking for the signs of a return to normalcy, like that first crocus flower poking up through melting snow. I’m frothing at the mouth to get back to work, I’m looking forward to events, races, the people I’ve come to know over the years. We’re close. We’re starting to move in that direction.

Before the world unanimously heard that “record stop” noise and we all went inside for a bit, Scott Liggett made a trip to the World of Wheels Autorama in Omaha, Nebraska and went nuts snapping photos for a ton of galleries. He couldn’t have timed it any better, as the show was cut short with the state shutting it down due to the pandemic. He sent us the photos, he sent us a writeup and we…well, we slept on it. Between pandemic issues, the worry of running things with little content to work with and in my world, a house to rebuild, cars almost seemed like a remote part of the day. But Liggett’s photos of some absolutely bitchin’ machines help. Soon, folks. Soon, we will be back to the things that have brought us all together here: friendship, camaraderie and a love for the automobile. In the meantime, enjoy some more pretty ones from the floor:

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1 thoughts on “Before Shutdown Greatness: More Pre-Coronavirus Autorama Photos From Omaha

  1. lonewolf573

    was there Saturday night when they shut er down. got to see all of the cars before the ushered everyone out. It was a great show,to bad it ended to soon. Felt real sorry for the vendors who had to shut down, after paying their fees and NO refunds. Better luck in the coming future. hope to see some local parking lot shows soon—And a big return to DragRacing

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