(Photos by Charles Wickam) – There’s something to be said for a club that manages to create events that have long lasting appeal and dedicated fans. The Kontinentals have cornered the market on this in recent years with events like the Lodestar Round Up, and the Day of the Drags two very different events that both center around having fun with your cars. The new Bayou Round Up captured those same elements and as you will see, the cars that showed up were totally awesome and judging from what Wickam had to say, this was a home run of a show.
We dig the fact that there was an indoor and outdoor portion. It is cool to us to see cars setup in a small area like they are in some of the photos from the show because it harks back to the earliest and most humble days of the indoor car show world where clubs would get access to a local armory or other building and get something going to raise some funds. The cars have gotten nicer and more advanced over the year but they still look awesome sitting under those bright lights.
Could someone give some info on that totally badass blown black louvred ute. ,I,m in love, its got it all the things a man needs !