
the car junkie daily magazine.


Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion 2015: Show Cars, Drag Cars, And Stuff That Defies Description

Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion 2015: Show Cars, Drag Cars, And Stuff That Defies Description

(Photos by Bryan McTaggart) – When it comes to the photos that McTaggart shot at the 2015 Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion, we’ve barely scratched the surface. The guy just about wore himself flat out while running around the boiling hot track. If there is one thing that you can expect at Bowling Green it is the fact that the place will turn into a human stew pot before the end of the weekend with really high temps, crushing humidity, and the occasional biblical level thunderstorm. There was all of that in the 2015 version of this event. Because we were not streaming live, McTaggart was keeping up with Chad and I on the condition of the weather all weekend. The program got finished but it was up and down for sure.

Here’s the latest from the event:

holley nhra national hot rod reunion036

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