(Photos by David Whealon) – It’s hard to create signature events in drag racing. Why? Because there are so many of them already. You need to have a few elements in place to really get people’s attention. There’s the facility, there’s the conditions, there’s the time of year, and there’s the potential for going very, very fast. Each year the PDRA Brian Olson Memorial Finals at Virginia Motorsports Park has those elements and the racers keep coming back for more. This year, mother nature got the best of the race later in the weekend but as you will see here, the early going was a picture perfect as you can imagine.
You’ll also notice a few diesel powered vehicles in the mix here. Diesel power is a definite trend in drag racing these days and we don’t hate it. The more hot rodders the better, no matter what fuel you decide to burn. As the diesel world gets quicker and faster look for rules makers to pay more attention and make sure they don’t wake up one morning with an imbalance in classes where both styles of engines compete.
Door slammers, dragsters, motorcycles, gasoline, diesel, what more could you want at the drags?!