Alex Taylor Takes Us On A Tour Of The QA1 Headquarters And Factory In Minnesota. 100,000 Square Feet Of Suspension Goodness.

Alex Taylor Takes Us On A Tour Of The QA1 Headquarters And Factory In Minnesota. 100,000 Square Feet Of Suspension Goodness.

QA1 has been a player in the high performance muscle car and classic truck suspension market for years, but in the last five years they have made huge strides to increase their offerings not only with more applications, but also with a much wider variety of products in general. They make great stuff and do it all in Minnesota. Recently, Alex Taylor made a trip up there to check out the facility and shot a cool tour video to share with all of us. Here it is, check it out, and let us know what part was your favorite. They make lots of cool stuff here!

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Thanks @QA1TECH for having us for a day to check out your incredible facility!

QA1 has been a brand that we’ve had the chance to work with for many years and we’ve actually been trying to make this trip up to tour happen, for a few years. Dad, Megan, and I had the chance to fly up for a day and see the space where all of the in-house manufacturing, design and innovation, shipping, and behind the scenes work happens. We were incredibly impressed by how nice not only the facility is but also by the amount of knowledge, car oriented employees they have and how forward thinking they are. DT was like a kid in a candy story looking at parts and machines. Come along and get the exact same tour we did – I think you’ll be impressed as well!

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