Allentown Vintage Drags: Traditional Hot Rods And Motorcycles Racing Heads Up On Gravel!

Allentown Vintage Drags: Traditional Hot Rods And Motorcycles Racing Heads Up On Gravel!

We give major kudos to Bill Rowe and EJ Kowalski for putting this great idea together and for sticking with it even though 2020 wasn’t kind to race events. If you are into traditional hot rods then you will love this event. If you are into traditional hot rods being used and abused then you’ll really love this event as you’ll find vintage motorcycles, pre-1954 Flathead, Four-Banger, on inliner powered hot rods, and that’s it. No small blocks, no Hemis, only early hot rods racing each other heads up on the gravel at the Allentown Fairgrounds. What’s awesome is that these cars are all making lap after lap with huge smiles on their owner’s faces. This looks like an event it would be a riot to put a car together for.

Here is the video description:

The Vintage Drags at the Allentown Fairgrounds is one of our favorite local events, and we are so happy it has returned in 2021. The event was started by our friend Ej Kowalski and Bill Rowe, and they had two successful events in 2019. Matt brought out the Pagoda City Coupe to race, and Mike brought a helmet to ride along! There will be a fall event on October 16th & 17th so be sure to mark it on your calendar!!

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