5 Ways To Improve The Consistency Of Your Race Car. This Could Be What Moves You Into The Winner’s Circle

5 Ways To Improve The Consistency Of Your Race Car. This Could Be What Moves You Into The Winner’s Circle

Consistency is the key to winning races. It doesn’t matter whether you are bracket racing or heads up racing, having a car that will go down the track consistently is key to turning on win lights. Sometimes consistency can be the thing that puts you over the top even if you aren’t the quickest and fastest car on the racetrack. The fast guy that spins the tires and has to abort every 4th run isn’t going to be a problem if you are the guy in the lane next to him in a car that goes A to B each and every time down the track. Tim McAmis is known for building bad ass Pro Mods and all kinds of other killer door cars, and his series of videos on building, tuning, and prepping those cars are both entertaining and educational in an effort to make sure you have the best chance of winning. Using his methods, tips, and tricks can be what you need to get a leg up on the competition.

But what does it take to be more consistent? Does it cost a lot of money? What advice will Tim give?

Watch the video below and you’ll find out 5 cool tips from Tim that will help you turn on more win lights, smile more, and have more fun and success in your race car. They aren’t complicated, and you can use these tips yourself right now. Watch.


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1 thoughts on “5 Ways To Improve The Consistency Of Your Race Car. This Could Be What Moves You Into The Winner’s Circle

  1. Gary

    We used to do stuff for a number of NHRA teams, including John Force, Jeg’s, and others. Our mainstay was pro stock bike. We built an air intake system for a team, and went to the track to see how they were doing. “Didn’t pick up at all”, they said. We were quite surprised, since we do the aero stuff pretty well. Then come to find out, they’d also changed cams, ignition, and a few other things! We’re like, no shit! Change one thing at a time!

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