DIY Fabrication: DIY Welding Table Fixture Clamps That Will Make Your Life Easier, And Won’t Break The Bank

DIY Fabrication: DIY Welding Table Fixture Clamps That Will Make Your Life Easier, And Won’t Break The Bank

Clamps are one of those tools that we never appreciate, but miss like hell when we don’t have any. Whether it is because you have used up all the ones you have already and need more, or because you just don’t have any in the first place, dealing without them is a pain. Clamps are like a third or fourth hand, but without the human helper that you have to feed at lunch. And there are a ton of different styles of clamps, that’s for sure. Of course knowing how to use them efficiently is always a help, but there are certain times when clamps aren’t just for convenience.

In the case of welding things together, very often a clamp or two are needed just to keep the part from moving around as you weld it. Whether using them with an actual fixture, or just holding something down to your welding table or work bench, they are super handy.

If you do happen to have a welding fixture table, with the grid of holes in it, then having the right clamps that fit the holes is really nice. Those clamps unfortunately usually cost real money and that isn’t always the best when building something yourself at home. That’s why so many folks make their own welding fixture clamps. Lucky for us, this is another great video on making those awesome clamps and you can learn something from it. Make the good clamps in your garage for a fraction of the cost of buying the new fancy ones online or in the welding supply store.


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