I always refer to thread locker as Loctite. And I don’t know anyone else who says anything different. Loctite is to thread locker like Kleenex is to facial tissue. Intelligently I know there are other brands, and I’ve probably used some of them, but are those other brands even worth talking about? Is Loctite the best of the best? Or is someone else better at making loctite than Loctite is? Lucky for us, the Torque Test Channel has all the right gear to be able to test out all these thread lockers to see who does it best.
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Eskonke 3pk: https://amzn.to/3Y88RUt Eskonke: https://amzn.to/3TVlgsz Loctite: https://amzn.to/4dFvk00 GNEOCO: https://amzn.to/3Bsq3vb JB: https://amzn.to/3ZKQkyY Our lifetime worth of TOOL RANKINGS https://torquetestchannel.etsy.com/li… Who’s the king of threadlocker? Loctite, that would be the answer. But is that on merit or just because it’s been good this long, have other cheaper alternatives caught up or even pricier options top it? Today we find out by looking at brands like Permatex, JB Weld Perma Lock, and amazon options like Eskone and GNEOCO.