Plasma Table Hack! Cut And Notch Round Tubing With Some Simple Brackets And Skateboard Wheels!

Plasma Table Hack! Cut And Notch Round Tubing With Some Simple Brackets And Skateboard Wheels!

Laser and cnc plasma tube notchers are all the rage in manufacturing nowadays because they can significantly shorten the manufacturing process for metal components, and at the same time increase their accuracy. But they aren’t cheap. And yes there are new models coming out all the time from companies like Bendtech, but their Dragon line of CNC plasma tubing notchers and cutters is a 5 figure purchase from what I understand and if you get into the big machines they get quite a bit more than that. But those big fancy machines are NOT what this is designed to replace. This is for the hobbiest, very small production runs, etc. But it sure is cool! I could absolutely see this being useful in the shop and also fun.

Hell, if Justin is having fun with it then it must be cool, because he gets to play with all the cool toys all the time and he’s totally geeked out on this one.

Follow along and let us know if you are going to build you own!

Video Description:

With a $20 skateboard, some sheet metal, and a handful of hardware, anyone can turn a CNC plasma table into a tube cutting machine! Here’s how to do it!

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