Who Makes The Best “Ratcheting” Wrench? Craftsman, GearWrench, Blue Point, Proto, Wera, DeWalt, SK, Williams

Who Makes The Best “Ratcheting” Wrench? Craftsman, GearWrench, Blue Point, Proto, Wera, DeWalt, SK, Williams

Ratcheting end wrenches are one of the finest hand-tool inventions to hit hot rodders in decades. I love them, use them a lot, and can’t imagine having a toolbox without them anymore. But who makes the best ones? There are actually some significant differences in how some brands operate. Not only do you have the number of teeth that are in the ratcheting mechanism, but also the way that the ratchet is reversed, or not, as the case may be. I’ve had both the type with a reversing lever and the type without. But which style is best? And what brand makes the best one?

Watch this video from Project Farm and let’s see who’s is the one to get.

Video Description:

Brands: GearWrench, Olsa, Jetech, Jaeger, Tekton, DeWalt, Craftsman, Williams, Capri Tools, Greenlee, Wera, Proto, Blue Point (sold by Snap On). Ratcheting combination wrenches tested for working arc swing, open an box end performance gripping a rusty bolt and failure load for both ends of the wrench. I bought all of the ratcheting combination wrenches to ensure an unbiased review.

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