Why Does This Help Your Flap Disc Grind Better? Tips And Tricks To Get More Life Out Of Glazed Up Flap Discs

Why Does This Help Your Flap Disc Grind Better? Tips And Tricks To Get More Life Out Of Glazed Up Flap Discs

We recently ran a whole series on grinding discs where Fireball Tool tested more than 40 different ones to see who’s are actually best. Do the cheap ones compare? Do the high dollar ones really outperform well enough to be a value? If you missed that video series, use the link below to check them out. But this video isn’t about those brand new discs, but rather about the glazed up ones that you hold onto because they don’t look worn out but just aren’t working great. So how can you bring new life to them and get all the life out of them that you paid for?

There are all kinds of internet tips and tricks that claim to revive a glazed up flap disc, but who has more of them sitting around and ready for testing than anyone else? Yep, Jason at Fireball Tool. He’s got a whole bunch of discs from their testing that need some love, so what better way to test all these theories out.

It’s worth a watch too, because a couple of these really do work.

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