Build A Pretty Cool Welding Fixture Table At Home For About $100! It Is Cheap, And Doesn’t Require Any Specialty Tools!

Build A Pretty Cool Welding Fixture Table At Home For About $100! It Is Cheap, And Doesn’t Require Any Specialty Tools!

I know, I know, it’s another welding fixture table. But this one is ultra cheap, portable, and easy to store! So you don’t need a bunch of room to store it, you can move it to wherever is convenient, and it is going to be accurate enough for most small projects. Plus, if you are just starting out with welding then this is a great project to get some practice in with! Plus there are some great lessons on how to do some stuff without anything fancy. I’m impressed and think this would be a fun project to do on a weekend. With a little bit of labor, none of which is hard, you can really save yourself some money and get something far nicer than the cheap stuff available from the stores.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

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