DIY Wheel Cribs: How To Get Your Car In The Air, Without A Lift Or Big Money By Building Your Own Wheel Cribs At Home

DIY Wheel Cribs: How To Get Your Car In The Air, Without A Lift Or Big Money By Building Your Own Wheel Cribs At Home

I built cars for decades with nothing more than jackstands, floor jacks, and an old frame jack that was my Grandpa’s. It was about 10 years ago that I got a lift of my own, which is a game changer, but if I had been smart I would have built myself a set of wheel cribs decades ago. These can be found in most every professional car builder shop and are ultra cheap to build even if you use new 2×4’s.

In the video below from Backyard Hot Rods you’ll see one method for putting these together. You can find lots of videos online with folks doing them, because ultimately they are super simple. If you have an impact driver and some screws, you can put these together. Ultimately you don’t even have to have a saw as you can have your 2×4’s cut at Home Depot or Lowes.

Check out this super simple design. You can also make additional small stacks to fit onto these to lift the car even higher, but keep in mind that anything over 12 inches is a little sketchy when it comes to jacking up the car in one lift. So lift it up and put all four tires on your 12 inch tall cribs and then lift again to place another 6 inches under each corner.

Video Description:

I have two projects that I need the car up in the air while the load of the car being on the wheels and tires. Making a set of wheel cribs is my best option to solve the problem. I go through step by step to show you how I made them, what tools to use and exactly how much wood. Plus I go into detail on why I built them the way I did.

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