Engine Location Matters! Tim McAmis Tells Us Why And How To Decide Where It Goes.

Engine Location Matters! Tim McAmis Tells Us Why And How To Decide Where It Goes.

Moving an engine forward or backward in a car can make a huge difference in the way it rides and handles. In a drag car that is arguably even more critical and can dramatically effect that way the car leaves, hooks, handles with the front wheels in the air, etc. Just a half inch of movement can make a difference in corner weights and such which is why some racers have very specific location preferences. But where does the chassis builder say it should go? And does he or she always agree with the tuner? Well here is the no bullshit skinny on where the engine should and shouldn’t be according to Tim McAmis. He is known for pulling no punches, giving zero F’s, and telling it like it is. Oh, and he and his team happen to build some pretty bad ass machines that can go down a race track real quick, real fast, and real straight.

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