Sometimes the best tips someone can give you about a technical subject is what tools to buy and not to buy. Or which tools to spend real money on, and which ones don’t need to be fancy. Or even which ones you can get away without having all together. Like a square tube bender…
Why? Because if you need to bend square tubing into a radius, you can use this simple but effective method. And yes, you can make or buy relatively simple benders for bending a tight radius into some square tubing, but getting a large radius is going to require this trip. Do it, you’ll dig it.
This is why it has been included in the Bennett’s Customs Co 10 Fabrication How To’s.
Video Description:
Tip #6: How to Bend Square Tubing Without a Bender! (DIY) A DIY solution for bending square tubing without a bender. While it’s time-consuming, if you don’t have a bender at home, you can still accomplish a lot with just a grinder and a welder!
your articles interesting and informative.
please publish an article on how to prove not a bot.
no amount of screaming and profanity will
get me to the section that allows me to
do that. besides, what the hell is a bot?
Jim, a “bot” is a malicious computer program that tries to blanket websites with spam comments and links. We can’t have that because it ruins the experience for everyone and makes the site look bad on Google which ruins our traffic numbers. So we have to block it and approve comments. I don’t approve comments everyday. I should, but I don’t because I’m busy. I’ll try to do better. But my suggestion is to either roll with it, or stop commenting if doing so causes you stress. There is no reason to do something that causes stress. If you wish to provide useful comments, I’ll approve them as I see them. If that doesn’t work, I understand completely. If you want to discuss this further, please email me directly. [email protected]