Watch How Boninfante Tests Their SFI Bellhousings By Exploding Flywheels Inside Them!

Watch How Boninfante Tests Their SFI Bellhousings By Exploding Flywheels Inside Them!

Having and SFI rated bellhousing, or scattershield, is a really really smart idea for anyone running big power with a clutch. It’s also a requirement for certain classes, and the only way to house a clutch in certain applications like top alcohol and top fuel cars. With the extreme stresses that clutch and flywheel parts are going through on these cars, you want something capable of holding the carnage inside when stuff goes wrong. But how do they test that? I mean how do you actually make a flywheel explode to see if your bellhousing works right? Or is it just math like so many engineered products today?

Well luckily for you there are two videos below that not only show you how they make the flywheel explode, at a given rpm no less, but also how they test it and what it looks like after one blows itself all to hell. The testing obviously has to be safe, so there is another scattershield over the SFI rated Boninfante unit that is giant and made of what looks like 3/8 to 1/2 plate. Watching them talk about how they experimented to get the flywheel to explode at the right rpm is pretty cool as well. I think it would be ultra cool to be there and watch testing like this go down. Until then, I’m watching the video again. Enjoy!


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