Welding rod selection, when TIG welding, is a subject that sometimes causes argument among friends as people do not always agree on what rod is used for what. Some say at ER80S-D2 is required for all moly cages. Others say no way, you can use regular ER70S-2 for all the joints on your average race car chassis. Sure there are times when Silicon Bronze, Stainless, Aluminum, and Titanium rod is used, but those are on a more specialized basis. If you are welding aluminum for example, then you know you are going to need aluminum rod.
But back to the chrome moly welding. I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve heard someone new to welding complain that they can’t find 4130 Chrome Moly welding rod at their local welding supply. Yep, they call and ask and they are told that it isn’t in stock or that they don’t carry it. Mind you, a good welding shop will tell you that they carry two rods that work great and are used by virtually everyone so as to ease your anxiety. Those two rods are ER70S-2 and ER80S-D2. Both of these rods are mentioned in the video below.
Either one works fine. ER70S-2 is arguably the most common tig filler rod you’ll find. It is everywhere. Hell, you can get it at Lowes and Home Depot. Use it, except on the rare occasion that MAYBE ER80S-D2 would be better.
Listen to Tim, he knows what he’s talking about.