Lenco Lever: This Dude Shows Epic Skill In Rowing Through The Levers. This Is Why Lencos Are So Fun!

Lenco Lever: This Dude Shows Epic Skill In Rowing Through The Levers. This Is Why Lencos Are So Fun!

I got my NHRA Pro Stock license nearly 18 years ago now, and the thing I was most excited about in the whole experience was pulling levers on a Lenco. It was magic. It is a dance. A dance you can learn without a week of Dancing With The Stars expert training, but rather by feeling the soul of the engine and pulling each lever, just in time. Pulling each lever is pretty simple, after all it only goes forward and back. You start by grabbing the one farthest away from you and then each shift is pulling the next one closer. It is amazing how natural it feels to do so, and how awesome it feels on each shift.


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