Want To Know What 168 kmh Looks Like On A Mobility Scooter? Watch This.

Want To Know What 168 kmh Looks Like On A Mobility Scooter? Watch This.

Mobility scooters, like the Rascal and Hoveround are what most people think of when they hear the words Mobility Scooter. And with jillions of them being sold and driven around stores near you, we’ve all wished that they were a bit faster so we wouldn’t be stuck behind them in the isle at Wal Mart. Well, the gang from American Spinning Wheels in the Netherlands has taken the slow mobility scooter and made it hot rod cool. We’ve run a video of this thing before, but on the 4th of July the team posted a new video of their scooter running 196.22 kmh. That’s 122 MPH!!!! On an F’ing mobility scooter!

We love these guys, and not just for the mobility scooter, but also for their gas turbine powered lawnmower, giant monowheel, motorized walker, and the soon to be debuted drag race style wheelchair and 500 hp twin turbo 1000cc SMART car. Oh yeah. We want to hang out with these guys!

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1 thoughts on “Want To Know What 168 kmh Looks Like On A Mobility Scooter? Watch This.

  1. TheSilverBuick

    Someday, when I am old and decrepit, I want my mobility scooter to have wheelie bars and slicks.

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