Bonneville Speed Week 2017 Photo Coverage: Hot Rods, Crusty Bikes, and High Speed Racing Machines

Bonneville Speed Week 2017 Photo Coverage: Hot Rods, Crusty Bikes, and High Speed Racing Machines

We’re rolling on with our non-stop barrage of photos from Bonneville Speed Week 2017! This time it is a collection of my photos from early in the event and you’ll see hot rods, ancient speedsters, salt crusted engines, motorcycles that look like they jumped off the pages of a 1970s chopper magazine, and of course high powered racing machines of all shapes and sizes.

Thankfully we have not started suffering salt withdrawal because of the fact that we keep looking at these photos that we took and remembering the sweat and fun of the week. Wendover is an interesting place. We have never seen it during a “normal” period so we only know it when it’s filled with racers and salt freaks and frankly that’s the way we like it. The hotel rugs are all covered in salt, the roads are all covered in salt, and the roads are teaming with tow rigs, race cars on trailers, and hot rods. There’s nothing like it and if you have never been, you need to start planning for 2018 right now!

Click the images below to expand them and then scroll on to see them all –

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